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* Chances for socialization on campus and at off-campus functions
* Opportunities to participate in ongoing University affairs
* Opportunity to serve PSU with various RAPS projects
* Monthly programs: Social Events, Speakers, and/or Outings
* Monthly social meetings: Book Group, Bridge Group and Hiking
* The RAPS Sheet newsletter

Membership eligibility

* All retired PSU personnel (faculty and staff)

* Current PSU personnel age 55 and over

* Retired personnel from other accredited colleges and universities

* Partners of RAPS members may join RAPS

*Widows or widowers of members of any of the above groups

*Membership runs from July 1 thru June 30 of the next calendar year


One year                                 $20

Three years                             $45

Ten years                               $120

Lifetime                                 $200

Age 85 or more                       Free


You may pay your dues online or by mail.

If you want to pay by check, please make your check payable to the PSU Foundation and mail to:

Retirement Association of Portland State/RAPS

Portland State University

PO Box 751

Portland OR 97207-0751

In addition to paying your dues, please complete and submit the following form:

Member Information

Membership term
Indicate group(s) of interest

Thanks for submitting!

© 2025 by PSU RAPS. Proudly created with

Call us:


Portland State University--RAPS

PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751

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